Minecraft 1.20.4 Mods

Connected Glass

Connected Glass alters the way glass behaves when placed next to the same glass type/color. Without this mod, glass has a clear border around each block and you...

Packed Up

Packed Up is a tiered backpack mod to help alleviate the storage limitations you might be experiencing in your Minecraft travels. It starts with the basic backp...

Dungeons Plus

Dungeons Plus makes standard dungeons much more enjoyable in Minecraft. There are several new variations on dungeons found in nearly every biome. You’ll s...

Inventory HUD+

Inventory HUD+ allows you to see much more than standard Minecraft allows with displays. You can now see what armor, weapons, and tools you’re carrying as...


Scannable is a useful and efficient tool that allows you to survey the area around you and find various items, mobs, or fluids in a snap. It is a simply made to...

Decorative Blocks

The Decorative Blocks mod adds a few new items to give a little extra finesse to your builds. It adds a variety of unique items that break up the vanilla look a...


Reliquary adds a bunch of new and enchanting, not to mention hard to get, items to aid your Minecraft experience and challenges. This mod relies heavily on find...


Bountiful adds a Bounty Board to Minecraft that gives you random tasks to find items in exchange for rewards. The board will automatically generate new tasks o...

Macaw’s Windows

Macaw’s Windows gives the player an upgrade to standard glass panes in Minecraft. It puts panes in frames that can open and close giving a more realistic ...