Minecraft 1.20.4 Mods

Carry On

Carry On allows you to carry block tile entities like chests to place them anywhere else you want with ease. If you’ve got full chests and want to move th...

To the Bat Poles!

The Bat Poles mod adds a variety of poles for a quick descent as far down as you want to go. They range in materials and so long as you’re within jumping ...

World Handler

World Handler provides an easy to use GUI menu for common and advanced commands throughout Minecraft. If you don’t know many or all of them, this mod puts...

Simply Light

Simply Light is a mod that adds new, sleek lighting fixtures that fit well in a more modern setting. They come in a variety of styles that can function on walls...

Colossal Chests

Colossal Chests allow you to create custom chest sizes that can massively dwarf a regular chest both in size and storage capacity. Essentially with a Colossal C...

Serene Seasons

Serene Seasons is a mod that provides a subtle but immersive enhancement to the game by actively changing the climate around you in real, or rather Minecraft ba...


PizzaCraft is a mod that allows you to make pizzas right in Minecraft! It comes with all the ingredients including dough, cheese, and toppings all able to be as...


DarkUtils is a mod that adds a bunch of little tweaks and traps to enhance your overall Minecraft experience. It focuses on hiding blocks and laying traps for u...

Iron Chests

The Iron Chests mod offers a slew of new chest upgrades to maximize space and storage. The iron chest alone can hold as much as a standard double chest. And fr...