
DarkUtils is a mod that adds a bunch of little tweaks and traps to enhance your overall Minecraft experience. It focuses on hiding blocks and laying traps for unsuspecting mobs or any other player. It takes a lot of the effort and planning out of traditional methods for these sorts of devices and requires significantly less need for complicated redstone connections. The Sneaky Lever is one such example of simplifying a secret switch and is a great way to hide a lever in plain sight. All you need to do is craft it using the two recipes below and place it as you normally would any other lever. Once you have it in place, then you can take any other block and place it right on top of the sneaky lever and that block automatically becomes the lever. So for example, you can disguise any adjacent block that is within range of a standard lever and only you will know which block to click to open your doors or whatever else. You can essentially hide these levers as wood planks or stone blocks or whatever you want without anyone knowing where they are.

There are also a series of traps added with this mod that you can place to protect your home and each one deals a different set of damage like maiming, poisoning or fire damage. These traps look like pressure plates or carpeting but they each have unique designs on them to signify what they will do. You can place many of these wherever you need them since they don’t take up a significant amount of space and they are relatively affordable with what you need to craft them. These would be great for the every day risks of zombie, creeper, and skeleton attacks and can help protect your bases with ease.

The Ender Hopper is a very useful tool that when connected to another chest, it will teleport nearby items directly into it. So you can place this near your mine or simply your storage area and instead of actually opening the chest, dropped items will automatically be placed into it. This would be particularly useful to have connected to any item farming machines and you can keep the hopper completely separated from where the items will end up. So you could have your machines far from your home base and still collect any items as they drop into the Ender Hopper without ever needing to revisit the machine at all!

And the Null Charm is a great piece of equipment that allows you to filter items you don’t want to pick up naturally. It will instead destroy those blocks that you deem unworthy of your inventory as you walk over them. If you are tired of continually picking up gravel or dirt or especially rotten flesh, then using this charm will prevent those items from ever dropping in to your inventory again.

So be sure to check out all of the other available utilities that this mod provides and they will definitely take some of the tedium out of your every day gameplay.

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