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Buddies For Baby

The Buddies for Baby mod adds a few new animals to catch and tame as pets. You’ll find a lot of different lizard types like green anoles and three differe...

Duckling Mod

The Duckling mod is an adorable mod that adds three types of ducks to the game. You will see white ducks and mallards spawning mostly in river biomes and if you...

Byte’s Metallum

Byte’s Metallum is a mod that adds a few new metals and gemstones to be used in making stronger and more powerful weapons and amulets. Amethyst will play ...


Re-chiseled is a great and simple mod that only requires one tool to turn any stone or wood plank block into a variety of chiseled stone or wood blocks. The too...

Castle in the Sky

The Castle in the Sky mod adds a secret castle hidden away that you’ll need to establish a master level in trading with a village cartographer first in or...

Resourceful Tools

Resourceful Tools is an excellent mod that allows you to obtain resources in a much easier way by using a series of specialized tools on certain blocks and mate...


Furnish is a simple mod for improving the overall look and functionality of your interior decorating. It adds a bunch of new wood based tables, chairs, and cabi...


Conjuring is a fantastic and incredibly in depth mod meant to capture and harness the essences of mobs and create your own spawners that you can control. To sta...

The Magic Doorknob

The Magic Doorknob mod is a simple but very fun and useful tool that comes in several tiers of knobs. They are portable doorknobs that range from wood to diamon...