TorchLevers Mod

This mod is an incredibly useful addition to hiding your levers and buttons. It gives you the ability to turn torches into levers or buttons as well as hiding b...

More Furnaces Mod

This mod adds some much needed functionality to the furnaces in Minecraft. With these simple recipes you can supercharge your furnaces to yield more product in ...

Condensed Blocks Mod

This mod is very simple yet very useful for massive storage. It essentially allows you to create several iterations of condensed blocks from 9x condensed blocks...

Exp Chest Mod

This mod is fairly straightforward, easy to use, and incredibly useful. The Exp Chest Mod lets you create a special chest to store the experience you get from d...

Project Bench Mod

The Project Bench mod makes complex recipes less time consuming and much easier to create. It adds storage to ordinary crafting benches that allows you to place...

Dalek Mod

If you are a Whovian (big fan of Doctor Who) you will love this mod. It adds a lot of the features in the world of the Doctor to Minecraft. You can find things ...

LittleBlocks Mod

Time and again I’ve created a building that incorporated several complex redstone wirings in order for a door or wall or floor to open up. The problem wit...

MusicCraft Mod

This mod adds functional instruments to your Minecraft world. If you’ve ever wanted to class up your den with a grand piano, now you can. And even better ...

The Dirtbike Mod

This mod is very useful for traveling quickly if you can’t find any horses around. It uses materials you can find while mining, and is therefore very hand...

Archimedes Ships

This is a very neat mod for turning your ships/boats/yachts/balloons/etc into mobile vehicles. It’s a simple mod but ultimately adds function to that mass...