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Atlantis is a mod that adds a completely underwater dimension that becomes available once you slay the 3 elder guardians in the ocean monument. The portal appea...

Earth Mobs Mod

The Earth Mobs Mod adds a few new mobs and some variations on them and existing mobs to make the world of Minecraft a bit more dynamic and interesting. They can...

Dungeons Plus

Dungeons Plus makes standard dungeons much more enjoyable in Minecraft. There are several new variations on dungeons found in nearly every biome. You’ll s...

Decorative Blocks

The Decorative Blocks mod adds a few new items to give a little extra finesse to your builds. It adds a variety of unique items that break up the vanilla look a...


Reliquary adds a bunch of new and enchanting, not to mention hard to get, items to aid your Minecraft experience and challenges. This mod relies heavily on find...


Bountiful adds a Bounty Board to Minecraft that gives you random tasks to find items in exchange for rewards. The board will automatically generate new tasks o...

Ultimate Car Mod

The Ultimate Car Mod adds a series of fully functional cars and trucks to speed around your world in style. If you’ve ever wanted more real world options ...

To the Bat Poles!

The Bat Poles mod adds a variety of poles for a quick descent as far down as you want to go. They range in materials and so long as you’re within jumping ...


PizzaCraft is a mod that allows you to make pizzas right in Minecraft! It comes with all the ingredients including dough, cheese, and toppings all able to be as...