
The Gobber mod adds a new ore to the game to further enhance armor and weapons for your travels and adventures. It also adds a series of magical rings, staffs, and medallions for an even more mystical experience! It all starts with the Gobber ore that can be found in the Overworld as well as the Nether and the End. You’ll find gobber ore below level 40 in the overworld and if you want gobber nether or or gobber end ore, you’ll need to place a silk touched gobber ore in either location and it will transform into the desired variation. There are also three new levels of coal that can vastly increase the amount of burn time from each tier compared to normal coal.

There are four new armor sets you can make depending on what type of Gobber Ore you have. They range in strength from standard Gobber armor, Nether, and then End/Dragon as the highest tiers. The first three tiers can give the wearer buffs like auto feeding, water breathing and fire protection as well as no fall damage. And with a full set of Dragon Armor you can fly as if you were playing in creative mode!

This mod adds a series of Area Defense Blocks that also add buffs if a player comes within a certain radius. The Healer, Protector, and Defender provide healing effects ranging from 16 to 64 blocks. The benefit of the Protector and Defender over simply the healer is they will also kill mobs in the same radii. These would be perfect to line your structures to avoid enemies and help boost your teams if you use this mod in a multiplayer server.

There are many magical rings you can forge for a variety of powerful abilities to add to your arsenal. You can aid plant and tree growth with certain rings and you can even wear a ring that helps you remain stealthy when coming in contact with mobs. You can even craft a ring that will let you set a location to teleport to! And you can wear rings that will vastly increase your mining and tree felling range. The Ring of the Miner will break a large area of blocks around you and leave only the ores exposed.

The Ring of the Blaze will provide fire protection and kill blazes in a 10 block radius. They will also always drop blaze rods with each kill. This is a great way to maintain adequate protection in the nether as well as a quick and easy way to collect blaze rods with minimal effort.

And the Ring of Dismissal will cast violent mobs away if held in your main hand. Without holding the ring you’ll be vulnerable to attacking mobs but as soon the ring is in your hand, all nearby mobs will jettison hundreds of blocks away in an instant.

Along with the rings you can also craft magical medallions like the Medallion of Water Breathing. Not only will you gain stronger lung capacity under water but if you also have the Medallion of Dolphin’s Grace, you’ll also be able to swim exceedingly better than without it.

And this mod also adds magical staffs like the Staff of Clearing that can clear away tall grass and flowers in a 12 x 12 area. Or you can craft the Staff of Ensnarement that can capture animals and mobs! Simply right-click to capture a mob and then left-click wherever you want to release it.

Plus there are weapon and tool upgrades for all normal tools and weapons like swords and shovels but you’ll also be able to craft hammers and excavators for even more efficiency in your mining and harvesting!

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  1. amazing mod lots of possibilities and some things really are overpowered but hey that’s what modding is for right ? i love the design of the ores rings weapons and armor it’s very cool so keep up the amazing work

    March 14, 2021