Punch Me Not

Punch Me Not aims to increase the difficulty for survival players by upping the ante in acquiring tools and materials. If you try to punch anything that isnR...

Advanced Fishing

Advanced fishing adds a slew of new fish to all different biomes. Meaning depending on what biome you start fishing in will determine what type of fish you can ...

Treasure 2

Treasure 2 adds a new and exciting element to Minecraft… Treasure! All around your world you’ll now be able to discover buried treasure, usually fou...


Topography allows you to explore custom terrains to make new worlds that much more interesting. You can make the nether a more terrifying place by generating it...

Reap Mod

The Reap mod is a simple but very effective means for streamlining crop farming. It will automatically harvest and plant new seeds when you right click the crop...

Vanilla Death Chest

The Vanilla Death Chest provides a convenient way to protect your items if you should die in Minecraft. Upon death it takes all of your inventory and stores it ...

Nether Gold

Nether Gold adds gold ore to the Nether. But when mined, it drops more than standard gold ore. It will give you gold nuggets that can be crafted into ingots but...


Aqueducts extends a single source block of water much further than the standard distance. So long as the aqueduct blocks are placed in a path, the water will co...

Luck of the Straw

Luck of the Straw is small mod with potentially serious benefits or consequences. It puts every single item available in creative mode within the grass. So you ...

Burning Torches

Burning Torches adds a new level of difficulty and realism to Minecraft. It replaces standard torch crafting in the game with extinguishable torches, although v...

Magical Map

The Magical Map will help you find those rare structures you could be searching for for ages. Simply craft the map and rename it with an anvil. The accepted str...