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The Autmnity mod adds a new Autumn themed biome to Minecraft. You’ll notice right away whether you’ve entered either Maple Forest or Maple Forest Hi...

Simple Farming

Simple Farming adds a bunch of new crops and recipes to add to Minecraft’s food options. You can plant new fruit trees like apple, mango, orange, and pear...


The Rats mod sounds like an iffy one to add to your game on the surface because it, very simply, introduces an invasive species to the game. It adds rat mobs th...


Backpacked is a straightforward yet highly practical inventory mod designed to enhance your Minecraft experience by providing an additional 9 slots of storage s...


The Statues mod adds a series of miniature statues made in the likeness of all the mobs in the game. They come in a few tiers that vary their abilities. The fir...

Silent Gear

Silent Gear takes tool modding to the next level giving you full customization in creating super powerful tools and weapons. When you first start the game with ...

Block Layering

Block Layering adds several blocks as thin, stackable slabs similar to snow layers. Since the layers can stack you can create varying slab sizes ranging from th...

Stairway to Aether

This mod adds all the stairs you could want by including various stone types that have typically been omitted in standard Minecraft. So all the standard stone b...


The Ahsenwheat mod adds a few new crops to the game that can be used for food but more importantly they can be crafted into some rarer items. So now you can jus...