Player Storage

This mod adds an expanding storage system to your player inventory. It allows you to take a significant amount of items with you at all times but keep your main inventory free for only the items you deem necessary. It can be accessed by pressing ‘I’.

The inventory space defaults to allow you to carry up to 2000 extra items but can be incrementally upgraded by eating a series of apples ranging from iron to nether star that can allow you to carry up to 2,000,000 extra items.

This mod also eliminates the need for a crafting table because it puts one right in the GUI!

And this mod will also allow you to store an incredible amount of liquid as well through a separate “fluid-only” page.

This mod also requires an additional API found here.

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Player Storage, 3.73 / 5 (309 votes)


  1. whats the thing on the side called(all the blocks)

    June 28, 2019
  2. Where do you put the API??

    July 2, 2019
    • Same folder as the mod .jar.

      July 2, 2019
  3. umm.. on 1.12.2, how do u even put the mods in the folder..? i clicked the “mods” button, but i was to confused to know what was going on.. is it because its and older version?

    July 29, 2020
    • Make sure you have forge and then if your on windows use the windows key + r then type in %appdata% and then go to .minecraft and look for the mods folder and then drag the mod into the mods folder and then run minecraft and enjoy!

      October 31, 2020
  4. Messes up when a potion effect is active how do I fix this

    March 2, 2021
  5. @LognoChilddd The same thing happens to me and it drives me nuts. PlayerStorage is one of the best mods but having any kind of status effect ruins the ui of it. I hear a lot of other people love the mod but don’t hear much about this problem or how to fix it.

    January 28, 2022