Wallpaper Mod

The Wallpaper mod aims to dress up your walls with neat designs that don’t take up any extra space. These simply paste over existing walls without needing to move things around or add any additional bulk to your rooms.


The patterns go up four block spaces and repeat for as long as you need. But be sure to place the wallpaper in succession or you may get mismatched tiles.


There are many different designs to suit whatever room you want to put it in. Whether it’s a kid’s room or a mural or even an ancient tomb, you have options to improve your interior design.




You can place wallpaper behind items and blocks without destroying them. Just place it as you normally would and the wallpaper sticks right behind it.


And if you want to remove any wallpaper just craft a scraper and right click any pieces you want gone.

ScraperA copy


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Wallpaper Mod, 3.92 / 5 (125 votes)


  1. Brilliant mod my house is going to look a lot better now =)

    May 19, 2016
  2. …aren’t those the same wallpapers from Animal Crossing?

    May 25, 2016
  3. My friend made a house it wasnt same color this mod makes the house ALIVE its so beautiful
    I hope soon you can make more and maybe some simple ones and please make a mod for paint

    June 4, 2016
  4. LDShadowLady did a YT vid on this it looked pretty kewl so I though I would download it, thanks to mods minecraft is soooo much better now 😛

    January 22, 2018
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